We are proud to share our new White Paper on ST-PA210's performance in biodegradable or food-contact applications. This is an exciting opportunity to share with you some recent data collected from a third party testing organization on what happens to ST-PA210 while it is under the heat stress of typical polymer processing.

The findings of these data suggest that the additive is “sacrificial” in that after processing only trace amounts of it remain. This means that compounders using ST-PA210 to enhance their melt flow would not see any residual effects in their output, nor would using such an additive affect food-contact compliance of down-stream products.
The data also shows performance of the additive in PLA (both talc-filled and unfilled) showing 170%-600% MFI increases at just 2% masterbatch. With PLA’s dominance of the bioplastic market currently there is likely to be significant interest in viscosity improving additives in the compounding stages, particularly additives that will not cause negative effects down the line in finished products. These data suggest ST-PA210 would be ideal for these applications combining it’s lubrication performance with the benefit of being sacrificial.
View full data and download the White Paper by filling out the simple form below:
For more information on ST-PA210 visit www.caiadditives.com/st-pa210.
For data sheets or samples please contact us.